Why Aren’t We Playing More?

Mikel Blair
Posted on
October 2, 2024

Talk About It

Why aren’t we playing more?

Ever notice how fun sneaks up on you when you least expect it? Like when you’re hanging out with a friend and suddenly think, “When was the last time I laughed this hard?” It’s easy to let joy slip into the background. My fix? Crank up a playlist while cooking or convince friends to play an improv game over a glass of wine. Trust me, it’s hard to keep a straight face when you’re saying “yes, and” to your BFF pretending to be Amy Poehler or Tina Fey.

Reset and Recharge

Laughter instantly revives the spirit. Mindy Kaling nailed it with, "I think you should be able to laugh at yourself and find joy in being silly.” When we laugh, our brains release endorphins—the chemical cocktail that naturally keeps stress and anxiety in check. It’s free, effortless, and keeps us young–yet it’s rarely something we prioritize.

Resource and Revive

She Said It Best

"It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture that sees busy as a status symbol."

- Brene Brown

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Mikel Blair
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

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